Welding Equipment & Supply Reviews

Our welding equipment reviews are based on independent research as well as consumer feedback. Every item you find in our reviews has been thoroughly researched to make sure it does the job it’s designed to do. We do not recommend welding equipment unless it is an established brand with multiple consumer feedback ratings. This helps us to make sure we are recommending a validated product.

Welding Equipment Brands

Best Brands List

Our Welding Equipment Review Criteria

Must be an established brand

When you purchase welding equipment from an established brand, it’s very clear on what you’re purchasing. An established brand has been tested over time, and typically stands behind their products and their production quality. Now, does this mean that we won’t give new brands a try? Not necessarily. Technology is constantly changing and competitors are always coming out of the woodwork to give the established entities a run for their money.

Must have a consumer rating of at least 4 out of 5 stars

We aren’t here to suggest a piece of equipment that will fail on the job. Failing on the job as a welder could have massive consequences, so each of our suggested pieces of equipment must have at least 4-star independent rating.

Must be affordable

We understand you have a job to do, we aren’t going to recommend something out of the budget and we certainly don’t support companies that try to price gouge customers.

Must have at least 3 independent consumer feedbacks on the internet

Here’s the deal… we vet each product that we feature on our site based off customer feedback, reviews, experiences, and pictures. In order to comfortably recommend a certain welding supply, we need to know customers are using it successfully. This is why we have the minimum limit of 3 independent feedbacks across the internet. These can be things like buyer reviews, YouTube reviews, blog reviews, etc.

Listed below are the welding equipment reviews we’ve done so far (more are always coming). Click on them to see our view on the best welding equipment on the market. There are also links to the sites that you would go to in order to purchase them.

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