The purpose of this guide is to introduce you to Arc welding as well as to introduce to you the best Arc Welders on the market right now. Arc welding is a type of welding which uses electricity for creating a weld between two different metals. In this process, an electric arc is formed between the electrode and the grounded metal which causes the metal to melt and fuse to form a weld. The electric power used can be either DC or AC power, and the process can be manual or automated.
The welding region in arc welding is protected by some inert material to prevent contamination. Contamination may result in weak joints which can interfere with the integrity of the welds. Today we discuss in brief how to select the right welding machine based on usage as well as some tips and how-tos for arc welding.
Detailed comparisons and buyers guide
Product Name Customer Reviews Editor Rating Voltage 4.5 /5 Stars 160 Amp
4.4 / 5 Stars 90 Amp
3.5 /5 Stars 100 Amp 3 / 5 Stars 200 Amp
Things to consider when looking for an arc welding machine
With the huge variety of arc welding materials available, it becomes very confusing to choose the right product based on the need. Hence, today we look at some prerequisites as well as different options available in the market for arc welding nowadays. The factors to consider when searching for the best arc welding machines are:
Power of the machine
It is very important to know what type of arc welding one is going to do- whether he/she wants to weld small things for a short time or do large scale welding for a longer period of time. Thus, depending on the usage, an appropriate powered welding machine is selected. Power of arc welding machines typically ranges from 100A to 300A. It is very important to choose a proper powered welding machine, as under-powered machines lead to bad welds as well as longer times for completing the same amount of work.
Duty Cycle
A very important factor while selecting a welding machine, but is often overlooked. Duty cycle refers to the uninterrupted operation that can be done by a welding machine safely without overheating in unit time. It is often given in percentage form with higher being the percentage, higher the time will the machine be able to work.
Size and Features
Another important factor to consider, especially if one wants to weld for a longer period of time. A machine that is lighter, as well as ergonomic, will be a lot better for welders in enhancing their productivity and saving money and time in the longer run. Also, more features equal better usability as well as greater value for money.
Work Area and Ancillary Equipment
It is very important to have a large as well as a well-ventilated area for welding, as it is a hazardous process. Also, there needs to be a proper amount of equipment like clamps and holders for proper hassle-free welding.
In my opinion, the most important point for any machine to perform well is its ability to ensure 100% safe operation at full load. A safer machine will give peace-of-mind to the welder as well as lead to lower costs and good ratings from agencies.
Cost and Depreciation
We need to keep in mind the costs accrued not only at the buying cycle of the new machine but also along its lifetime in the form of service and spares. Also, as every other thing, even welding machines have a depreciation rate, so we need to buy the machine which is suitable for our usage so that it doesn’t feel overpriced in the long run. We also need to check warranties and labor costs, as these things consume a lot of money in a long time.
How arc welders judged?
Output Signal
There are 3 main types of output signals available for today’s arc welders: DC, AC, AC/DC. Each of them has their individual pros and cons. For example, AC (alternating current) arc welders tend to be a bit more responsive to the level of voltage that is running through the welder. It’s for this reason that AC Arc welders can be a bit tedious for use when you’re just beginning to learn the welding craft. On the other hand, DC (direct current) Arc welder tend to provide a bit more stability in regards to the electric current. For those who would like to have the advantage of both the AC and DC current you can opt for the AC/DC welder.
The average level of output would be 140 amps. The amperage capability of the welder plays a large part in the type of rods that can be used with the Arc welder. For example, the above rod type has the capabilities to weld rods of up to 3.2 mm. As the amperage goes down, the rod capabilities goes down as well. For example, a welder that has amperage capabilities of 100 amps would be limited to welding rods up to 2.5 mm. We will be looking at the amperage of the machines in this review to base each of their versatility.
Take the video below for a better point of reference on how to choose rods for welding.
Video credits to Kevin Caron. It discusses ways to select rods for Arc Welding.
Thermal overload protection
The protection that the machine provides against thermal overload is also a very important factor to consider when it comes to it’s viability for use. Not all machines include this capability and thus don’t have the features necessary to provide safety when the output power to the torch overheats. With that in mind, those machines that have this feature will receive a higher rating than those without.
Arc Welder Reviews
Amico Power – DC Inverter Welder – 110/230V Dual Voltage IGBT Welding Machine – 160 AMP Stick Arc
If you’re looking for a highly mobile, yet powerful arc welder, your best bet would likely be to try out the Amico Power DC Inverter Welder. This welder has a compact design yet, holds enough power to allow it to work for the larger stick welding materials. A cool feature of the Amico Power DC Inverter Welder is that its amperage can be adjusted – it has a knob which can be turned to adjust to the needs of the materials you’re welding. Let’s also not forget that this tool can be used for a wide range of strong metal materials as well.
Price: People typically like to hold to the old adage that if something is inexpensive it is likely cheap. It would be fair to say that that statement does not apply to this specific Arc Welder.
Advantage: Compact welding machine for the individual who doesn’t like to haul around the larger variations.
Video credits to Chris Does What. This is a video review of the Amico 110/230V.
Forney Easy Weld 298 Arc Welder 100ST, 120-Volt, 90-Amp
Weighing in at an astonishing 6 lbs, the Easy Weld by Forney is on this list because of its practical usage and its versatility. While it was decided to feature the Forney Easy Weld 298 Arc Welder because of its Arc Welding capabilities, it made much more sense to include it on the guide because of its ability to be used as a TIG welder. To use it in such a way all that one would need to do is purchase the torch needed for that activity. With that being said, the Forney Easy Weld 29 can be used for rods up to 1/8 of an inch wide. It is also corded/electric with a cord measuring roughly 6 ft long.
Price: This model is yet another that manages to be relatively inexpensive due to the fact that it’s so compact.
Advantage: Versatile and very easy to use.
Video credits to Forney Industries. This video is an unboxing of the Forney Easy Weld.
C.M.T Pitbull Ultra-Portable 100-Amp Electric Arc Welder – 110V
This Arc welder would work extremely well for the individual who is just getting started/has a tighter budget. It has all of the capabilities that other welders in its class have, with just a few areas that may need improvement. For starters, the voltage on this model is a bit less than that which one may need. With that being said, the voltage is also relatively low because of the lower pricing point that it comes at. On that same token, the lower performance capability of this particular item is justified by its price. This is a starter item.
Price: As mentioned in the above sections, the price of the C.M.T. Pitbull is relatively low. It’s a very affordable option for those individuals who are just entering the field.
Advantage: Great starter item.
Karomch ARC 200 Welder IGBT AC DC 110V Inverter Welding Machine 200 AMP
It may not look like it initially but, this mini Arc welder packs quite the punch. The Karomch Arc 200 has a 110V inverter and is highly mobile due to its small size. It comes with all of the necessary tools and, for the price, will serve any beginning or novice welder well while they are picking up the skill. It has an adjustable which allows the item to go up to 200 amperage – more than enough to serve you with the functionality you need while welding. The Karomch Arc Welder also uses a ferrite material that allows the machine to basically save energy.
Advantage: Powerful machine with a low pricing point.
Although there are machines made by several different companies, it is better to stick with a brand that provides all of the above features in a small and convenient package. It is also very important to check user reviews from different sources, as they paint a nice picture of the product and how are consumers feeling about the product over a longer period of time.
Video credits to Howcast. It discusses how to arc weld.
Watching videos describing the product are a huge plus too, as one can see what the machine looks like in real life. Price is also an important factor, and one should not hesitate to find the best prices both online and offline for the best deal on the machine